Jing Si Aphorisms 靜思語

With broadmindedness, one would not hurt others. With pure simple mindset, one would not feel hurt. 

- by Master Cheng Yen

Jing Si Aphorisms 靜思語

Enhance our sense of gratitude, then we would be less suspicious in mind. 

- by Master Cheng Yen

Jing Si Aphorisms 靜思語

To set free from afflication and feel at ease, we must learn to be broadminded and accomodating.

- by Master Cheng Yen

Bread Collecting 麵包回收

Every week, Tzu Ching help to collect bread from a participating bakery who allow us to give their leftover unsold bread of the day to the pension card holders during our Food Aid events. If you would like to know more about this and how you can help, please email us at tzuchinggc@yahoo.com.tw


Jing Si Aphorisms 靜思語

With pure and untainted love - the giver seeks nothing in return, and the receiver has no greed; both giver and receiver are free of afflictions. 

- by Master Cheng Yen

Mudgeeraba Food Aid & TriCare Nursing Home


This year our Mudgeeraba Food Aid and TriCare Nursing Home visits will officially begin this Sunday 15th March, 2009.

Feel free to join us and bring some friends along!
活動日期 DATE:15th/March Sunday (在會所集合 Meet at the TC office)


食物發放 FOOD AID:8:30 am to 11:30 am  
老人院關懷 NURSING HOME:2:00 pm to 3:10 pm
(中午有提供素食午餐) (There will be delicious Vegetarian lunch provided for all!)


Jing Si Aphorisms 靜思語

Being a benefactor of mankind is indeed a self cultivation of our own blessings.

- by Master Cheng Yen

Clean Up Australia Day - 這是讓人開心而有意義的一天!

陽光正普照大地之時 黃金海岸的沙灘是閃閃動人
沒有準備 衝浪板 也沒有穿比基尼
就算我不是澳洲人 跟他們膚色也不同
但 我這麼做
只有一個原因 因為我愛這顆地球
看到金黃的沙灘 蔚藍的海岸

- Lucy'


How lucky we are to have watermelons to eat on a hot day like today :)

It's been a rather scorching few days on the Gold Coast this week, and especially today at Clean Up Australia Day. The sun was shining ever so brightly and the Tzu Ching were diligently and happily scouring through the sands and green parks near the Broadbeach area this morning, picking up a lot of rubbish!

Doesn't sound like a typical 'day out filled with fun' yet for me, personally, it really, really was! ;) 

The best part about it was that when we'd finished, the wonderful SGSB (Aunties & Uncles/Brothers & Sisters, whatever you want to call them), had Tzu Chi's "Happy Tea" chilled and waiting for us, and by the time we got back to the office, a wonderful vegetarian lunch meal was also waiting for us, thanks to the kind efforts of Lucy SG and Su-Mei SG. 

Then, the icing on top, big delicious slabs of watermelon for us to really cool down with in such summer weather. Today I felt truly blessed simply with these small pleasures. 

During our Clean Up, in fact, some passerbys on the beach stopped us and asked, "What are you all doing?" and I replied, "It's Clean Up Australia Day!" One person said, "Oh, I totally forgot. I should be doing it too!" Another time, some little told ladies stopped us and asked the same question; with our reply, she said, "Oh, that's lovely." And then continued on. And then another time some people simply said, "Thank you." 


- Nicole Chiu

P.S. I think it was really fun for me today because there were some new faces and that was great! It's always so interesting getting to know new people and making new friends ;D

Jing Si Aphorisms 靜思語

Never begrudge others, but to carefully make self-contemplation. 

- by Master Cheng Yen